About sDs–Sharkov Design Studio L.L.C.
Project Highlight:
In commemoration of 1300 Years Bulgarian State Anniversary
“Tzar Samuil Fortress Memorial”
Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov, Architect
Bulgaria, 1982
Our Architecture Firm works closely together with YOU - our client to help you SUCCESSFULLY getting from POINT A to POINT B - where YOU envision YOUR home, office, of creation of an ADU.
sDs–Sharkov Design Studio L.L.C. founder and principal Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov, Intl. Assoc. AIA, is sought after by clients who look for highly experienced professional advice, ideas and painless solutions that navigates the process painlessly and bring to the clients the quality of life they will enjoy for years.
sDs–Sharkov Design Studio L.L.C. was established in Los Angeles as a full-scale design and consulting firm specializing in Custom Residential Design and Small-Scale Commercial Design and Interiors.
We are nimble!
The firm engages in an intensely collaborative design process with all clients, leading to functional, sustainable and most effective personal solutions.
Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov, International Associate AIA, brings her combined extensive professional experience of over 45 years in Europe and the US to her work.
Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov,
Intl. Assoc. AIA
Not merely head of the department, Elizabeth was personally involved in the design of new structures within often restrictive environments where national historic and architectural significances were predominant substance. In 1987 she was able to make a professional (and personal) transition to the United States. Three years later, in 1990, she established sDs–Sharkov Design Studio in Los Angeles.
Elizabeth’s philosophy is to pursue and achieve her clients’ satisfaction based on distinctive timeless design, precision to every detail, job site specificity and established reasonable budget. Sharkov Design Studio is the place where a potential client can receive an initial consultation, plan for the future project and work with Elizabeth as an equal partner during each step of the way toward completion of the dream project.
Elizabeth is dedicated to listening and paying close attention to her clients’ needs and desires. Based on her long time professional practice, Elizabeth brings two very important skills to bear: creating distinctive client-oriented architectural environment and managing all design and implementation phases of the process - the only way towards quality final product.
Elizabeth received her Master’s Degree in Architecture from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, Bulgaria. For the last ten years of her professional practice (as a licensed architect) in Bulgaria, Elizabeth was engaged in historic preservation, renovation and adaptive reuse of architectural landmarks.
Working With
sDs–Sharkov Design Studio L.L.C.
From initial consultations and architectural sketches in scale, through design and construction supervision, sDs–Sharkov Design Studio provides services in the following areas:
Single family custom residential design and remodeling
Design and tenant improvement for commercial properties and small-scale health care facilities
Adaptive reuse
Restaurant design
Kitchen and bathroom design
Historic preservation and restoration
Landscape design consultation

“Women excel at designing to a human scale and have incredible artistic sensibilities. Their influence secures a holistic approach to architecture, and, in our experience, often refrain from getting lost in technical solutions and details. Architecture must create connectivity between people, and women are important in shaping and developing these designs.”
— Frida Ferdinand & Mette Kynne Frandsen, Henning Larsen Architects, Copenhagen
A Little Elizabeth’s Story…
Back in the days when I was about 5 years old…
I remember – one of my most favorite things to do when I was a little girl was to pull out a roll with blueprints from my father’s closet and look at them dreaming… for hours… Dreaming as only a child can do…
Those were the drawings by a prominent architect who my father had hired in the past, to design a summer house for our family in the outskirts of the city where I was born and we were still living at that time.
I used to “assign” each of the bedrooms – to my parents (the master’s, of course), the other one to my older sister, and the one I liked the most to myself! I was able to visualize the building and its’ surroundings by looking at the beautiful drawings. I must have been no more than 5 years of age at that time. The project was never realized. For years, this “exercise” was one of my most favorite; It grew on me and when I was about 15, I knew that I wanted to be an architect and nothing else!
Getting into the Architecture School, in the country I was still living in, was an impossible task if your family didn’t have “special political privileges”. Nevertheless, it was not enough to stop me dreaming again and pushing for becoming an Architect.
So, after many years of practice, here I am. My dream and the meaning of my life gives me the opportunity to help my clients to avoid extreme misery and the ability to make positive difference in their lives – every single day.
My role is to help you making better choices by avoiding mistakes and taking the “right track” before it’s too late.
I deeply believe that DREAMS ARE POSSIBLE!
Let’s talk about how I can help you. I am someone who will take charge of designing your project, someone who will be dealing with all City Agencies and roadblocks, and I will be handling every single aspect and challenge until the day your home is ready to be occupied.
Contact me at Elizabeth[at]SharkovDesignStudio.com or call 323-662-4741.